A COSOP (Country Operations and Strategy Plan) agreement is a planning document that outlines the World Bank Group`s (WBG) engagement with a specific country or group of countries. The COSOP provides a framework for the WBG`s relationship with the country, including its priorities, strategic direction, and resource allocation.

The COSOP agreement is a crucial document that sets out the WBG`s objectives and plans for supporting the country`s development goals. It is developed through extensive consultations with the government, civil society, development partners, and other stakeholders to ensure that it is grounded in the country`s development needs and priorities.

The COSOP agreement typically covers a five-year period and is updated periodically. It sets out the WBG`s strategy for engagement with the country, including its focus areas, sectoral priorities, and specific initiatives. It also outlines the WBG`s financial and technical assistance, including any lending or grant support, and the results it aims to achieve.

The COSOP agreement recognizes that each country is unique and faces different development challenges. It, therefore, takes into account the country`s social, economic, and political context in designing its programs and projects. The WBG`s engagement is anchored on the country`s development goals, and the COSOP agreement is an essential tool for aligning the institution`s support with the country`s priorities.

The COSOP agreement also provides a framework for monitoring and evaluating the WBG`s engagement with the country. It sets out a results framework that defines the outcomes and impacts that the WBG aims to achieve, and the indicators and targets used to measure progress towards these objectives.

In summary, the COSOP agreement is a critical planning document that guides the WBG`s engagement with a specific country or group of countries. It is developed through extensive consultations with stakeholders and grounded in the country`s development priorities. By setting out a results framework and aligning the WBG`s support with the country`s needs, the COSOP agreement helps to ensure that the WBG`s interventions are effective, sustainable, and contribute to the country`s development.